The serious part of the conference started on Friday. Unlike any other conference that you might have
Students from many different countries are in groups of four or five, and their teachers also formed small cohorts.
The interesting part was that no one in each group knew each other! Everyone within a group had to be from a different school_ many were from different countries. They had a very short time to work together and come up with a fascinating idea to implement collaboratively using technology!.............Way to flatten the world!
They had their short meetings, discussed problems of the world, came up
The idea was to come up with ways to collaborate globally to make the world a better place. Many tools such as google doc, wiki, voicethread, skype, etc. were used in their plans, while the
Meantime, there were mini workshops such as digital imaging and storytelling that everyone could attend and benefit from.
Then each group had to start developing their plan and they got voted on. Six students teams and six teachers team went to the top... and so on the process of elimination. There are really no
Image Source: Private Collection
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